четверг, 24 апреля 2014 г.

Renulek's Spring doily and video-trend :)


I try to keep my promise and to write about news.

Unfortunately, this spring for me isn't very effectual about tatting. The weather is awful here: -5 and blizzard and wind and cold snow brrrr.... And we are to take some vitamins... And I'm soooo tired because of my job! I have to sleep more, to work more, almost no time to tat! :( But I try to!

Some days ago I explored for myself video-blogs on YouTube. It turned out, that embroider(er)s make videos very often about everything they know or they do in embroidery and share it. They make videos about: their progresses of a week, their favorite threads, books, patterns, instruments, beads, they compare different threads, and so on. It's so interesting to watch it and to tat or to embroider at the same time! I've never seen something like this about tatting. First of all, it motivates very much, secondly, it shows different opinions and ways, thirdly, it enrich our knowledge... Why not to use? And it's so positive!
I made three videos (Russian) about tatting in this way:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7e65jFYLIE (two videos about my instruments and shuttles, unfortunately, I can't download the first part)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQSHoOY54Kk (how to "undo" a chain and a ring)
It's the first experience, I don't know yet if it will be useful.

I had some inspiration and made also a very short "sample" video-cartoon about Lita. It is about 1-2 minutes, she just walks and finds something on the ground and then walks again. I won't download it, but I'm VERY proud about this my IT-progress :)

I tat a bit, but... just look! Renulek's Spring 2014 doily!
 I began it three times and finally I continue the grey one. It's the first ball.
I also embroidered a little mermaid, but it's a present and I will show it in summer with the owner.

And I read, read and read. I do like Alex Pehov. And two days ago I began to read "Fire Faculty" by Alex Kosh. I do love this man! He is handsome, his style is magnificent, his books are interesting... Oh, it seems to me, somebody is in love...

And today I decided to have one more experiment. Maybe because I'm so tired. I decided to work (a period of time) in silence without audio books, video blogs and music. The effect is fantastic! I meditate and listen to my own thoughts and many-many ideas come to me! This is the best way to relax and to create. :)

P.S. I'm not very sure about my English, but I'm sure you understand me :)

Happy tatting!

четверг, 17 апреля 2014 г.

Лирическое отступление.

Всем хорошего времени суток!

Сегодня будет небольшое лирическое отступление, ибо накипело. Баечка или как оно бывает.

В общем, если не вдаваться в детали, попросила меня одна мадам принести свои работы показать. Ну я собрала то, что было под рукой, принесла, показала, рассказала про каждую вещь, что из чего и откуда взялось.

Казалось бы, человек занимается рукоделиями профессионально, но... Блаженны несведующие! Попробуйте представить, как звучат ваши комментарии для мастера...

Хотела много написать, но я же не сплетница...

А добило в итоге: "Мне говорили, что ты плетёшь криволите". КРИВОЛИТЕ Ё-маё! Такого я ещё не встречала. Потому и пост пишу по-русски, чтобы понятно было. Криволите! Обалдеть... Похвала 80 уровня! Ладно, будем относиться к этому с юмором и плести своё криволите... ;)

понедельник, 14 апреля 2014 г.

Lita. Petite annonce.


I’m very sorry because I don’t write very often. Really this isn’t my habit yet unfortunately.

And, by the way, I can’t answer to your posts under the messages : ( I’m not keen on blogs yet. But thanks a lot! It shows that my work isn't vain : )

For the moment I’m working at butterflies and some things for sale… and, of cause, at Renulek’s Spring 2014 Doily! I tried three times in different colors and choose white-and-green – the best colors for the North Siberian Spring.



I have a little announcement for you!

Here is Lita (FrivoLita), my little tatting doll.

The prototype of Lita’s caracter is Trisha from Max Frei’s books and her appearance reminds my own and even (!) she has some grey hairs and also a big scar on the left arm.

She is crocheted to become a tatting “inspirator”.

We (Lita and me) have already written some stories about Lita. First stories will come very soon, I hope we will do a video. I think, firstly films will be in French, because it’s already written in French ; ) and then we will translate.

So, see you soon!

Happy tatting!

P.S. A lesson in 4 parts how to do a doll like Lita (Russian!!!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrK_2g27xxA (1) head and body
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3gvQS7xMug (2) arms and legs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnZy2142-FM (3) hair and shoes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0p7UUH0cyc (4) dress and fitting

Lita isn't a very puctual copy.